Treatments For Gambling Disorders
Gambling is a form of entertainment that involves placing a bet on something with the hope of winning money or another prize. It can be done in many ways, including online, at casinos, through lotteries or even on horse races and sports events. Despite its widespread popularity, it can cause serious problems for some people, who find themselves unable to stop gambling. This is known as a gambling disorder and can lead to severe financial, work, family and social problems. If you or a loved one has a problem with gambling, there are several treatments available that can help them overcome their addiction.
The most basic type of gambling is betting on a sporting event or game with the hopes of winning cash or a prize. The earliest evidence of this activity dates back thousands of years, with tiles unearthed in ancient China that appear to have been used for a rudimentary lottery-type game. It is not surprising that this activity continues to be popular today, with over two million Americans admitting to having a problem. The compulsion to gamble can lead to serious problems, including credit card debt, bankruptcies, and marital difficulties. The underlying causes of compulsive gambling can be complex and include both genetic and environmental factors. Often, the disorder starts in childhood or young adulthood and can become more serious as time goes by. Some people are more at risk of developing a gambling problem than others, and the risk increases with age. The condition tends to run in families, and research on identical twins has shown that there is a significant genetic component to the disorder. Pathological gamblers also tend to have more trouble with strategic forms of gambling, such as poker or blackjack, compared to nonstrategic forms, such as slot machines.
Treatments for a gambling disorder can include psychotherapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which focus on changing unhealthy thoughts, feelings and behaviors related to gambling. Psychotherapy can teach you healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with gambling urges and can help you learn how to solve the financial, work and relationship problems that result from your addiction. In addition to psychotherapy, a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist may prescribe medication, such as antidepressants, anxiety medications or sedatives, depending on the severity of your symptoms.
It can be difficult to cope with a loved one’s addiction, and it is important to seek support from family and friends. Consider joining a support group to connect with other families who have similar experiences. You can learn a lot from the stories of other people who have dealt with this issue, and you will see that there are successful ways to handle the situation. You can also take steps to set boundaries and protect yourself financially by getting rid of your credit cards, putting someone else in charge of your finances, closing online betting accounts and keeping only a small amount of cash on you at all times. Lastly, it is important to address any other mental health conditions that may be contributing to the gambling behavior, such as depression or bipolar disorder.